A Soldier of War

A Soldier of War is available at Amazon.com. A Soldier of War is the first of five books on the origins of God. It will answer your questions of why you are here. Enjoy A Soldier of War.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

THE SOLAR STORM and Chinese New Year

The solar storm last night happened on the Chinese New Year which happened to be the year of the dragon for them. They also predicted major upheavel on earth beginning in 2012, (4010 in their calender), which includes solar storms. Oddly enough it happened in their new year. The Mayans calender stops on December 12, 2012 and their is plenty of fear that this is the end and for the Mayans their end came around 1697A.D. when Spanish arrived in South America. Their civilization began around 2010B.C. but their is considerable debate on those numbers by scholars. No one knows for sure what happened to them, only their magnificant cities were found abandoned. Disease is expected to be the cause, (small pox) primarily but again it would be astonishing that everyone perished with little sign of the dead. The Mayans were an advanced civilization in some ways but most of their records were destroyed by the Spanish invaders mostly based on religious grounds. It is funny how truth is changed by the winners who end up losing everything.

Their are many theories as to why things happen and truth is changed so going to throw one more into the ring. What if storms, major changes which happen like wars, is the anger of the wronged. What if you become what you hate and your fate is the same?

Sleep tight.

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