A Soldier of War

A Soldier of War is available at Amazon.com. A Soldier of War is the first of five books on the origins of God. It will answer your questions of why you are here. Enjoy A Soldier of War.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Peace does not mean not at war, it means at risk of war:
We live in a world of increasing violence against one group or nation and then we wonder why that group decides to fight back a generation later. We who live in the free world have always believed that our way was the only way so we destroyed communism. Did that give us Peace?

We are dismantling socialism or any perception of socialism believing that business can do anything better if the incentive is high enough. Does that result in Peace?

We have ethnic quarrels in all sections of the world where multiculturalism is not apart of the nations thread. Is the result Peace?

We have religious bodies that say they are peaceful intending, but their actions result in violence against another religious body, who say their intentions are peace minded. Has that resulted in Peace?

We have nations of honest people with real convictions in their national goals whose results have been catastrophic when those honest people decide that their way is more correct than an other. Do you feel at Peace?

We in the great free world have said their has been a First World War and a Second World War when it was only really our war. We say we want to prevent the Third World War when the Third World has been at war for the entire twentieth century and up to the present day. And do we have Peace?

What we have had is an ignorance of hate and violence and apathy and all the ills of the past, present and will continue into the future. We have never had peace. It just was not on our soil so we said they were at war and we protected us from them. And who is them, well some-days it seems like they are us and we have become what we always said we hated. And what is it we said we hated? WAR. But we never stopped it. We never took a generation of a warring nation and said we will do whatever it takes so you feel safe enough to stop war. We said you become like us and we will make you safe. Has that resulted in Peace?

The answer clearly is no none of these things has resulted in Peace. They merely were respites while armies retooled, hate was recharged, enemies envisioned and lives deemed expendable. It is the cycle of man that has never changed in its history. But none of that need happen again. You cannot change one other person by force but you can change them by your actions. And it takes a very small amount of people with a real good idea to change the course of history. Why should you not be that person and declare peace.

Peace does not mean not at war, it means not at risk of war.

To get to that place, some would suggest only in heaven could that ever occur, but I would suggest that if you were to stop making war, supporting war, declaring war and thinking of war you would eventually not even consider war as an option which would mean you were no longer at risk of war and of course then you would be at Peace.

This was an epistle of Peace The Knowledge Park Project we should declare peace every day and do our utmost to keep it. And some day we will be at peace and there will be no more need for communities to gather on-line or in any place on earth to conceive of new ideas or programs or plans to stop another atrocity against another race, culture or religion because we will be at Peace and have no other thought or way to solve our problems.

Peace does not mean not at war, it means not at risk of war.
Try it. You will never go back to war again.

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