A Soldier of War

A Soldier of War is available at Amazon.com. A Soldier of War is the first of five books on the origins of God. It will answer your questions of why you are here. Enjoy A Soldier of War.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

In The Search for Truth

It is difficult to believe that all things you have believed your entire life may not be true but in the search for knowledge you first have to consider all of the facts and even then you may not have it right. In the following link the reverand gives you three references from the bible where the you may not have all the facts in the old testament. It does not question God may be an important point to you and maybe it isn't.


Thursday, December 29, 2011


Be The Exception: Not The Rule
I think if you would look around you would find that most people, especially seniors, just want to get along. They have no particular agenda and just want to find some peace at the end of the rainbow rather than a pot of gold. For the most part they are honest, hard working and dedicated citizens who have their good and bad days. Generally their good is far outweighed by the bad. Then there are those people who look only in the bad in people who are trying to do good. Their lives must be so full of misery that they try and destroy whatever good is around them that they cannot benefit from.
Seniors and children are taken for granted. Their opinions are seldom heard by the people that should be listening.

Seniors and children are either given too or taken from. To give to a senior who has earned his place in society is a slap in the face. There is little difference from having someone taking something you own and give it back to you and expect you to say thank you. That is both an example of someone giving and taking from you. And the sad thing is the person who is doing the giving and taking is usually another seniors.

If we can only agree that we are all different and that we all have valid opinions that we will be a greater site, place and world. But we seem to always become what we said we hated most and what we hated most was the person we have become. There are exceptions to that rule I just wish it was a lot higher.

Be The Exception: Not The Rule

They Only Debated These Laws for a Year

When it comes to truths we have to remember the bias that has been added in order for some one to arrive at a solution to a problem. Here are some of the more ridiculous conclusions that have been arrived at. Not all these laws are still on the books (thank god)
They Only Debated These Laws for a Year

I think we should all be aware of the more serious laws we should follow
  1. It is illegal to walk across the Minnesota-Wisconsin border with a duck on your head. It is alright though to have one in your pants.
  2. All bathtubs must have feet.
  3. You're not allowed to park your elephant on Main Street. (Virginia) You may park your elephant on any other street providing you are not from Minnesota and have a duck on your head.
  4. Red cars may not drive down Lake Street. (Minneapolis)
  5. It is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle.
  6. It is legal to drive the wrong way down a one-way street if you have a lantern attached to the front of your vehicle. It is not illegal however to drive the wrong way down a one way street if the lantern is not attached to the front of your vehicle.
  7. Town records may not be kept where liquor is sold. Town records may be kept where liquor is drank by the barrel however.

  1. It is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset. (Devon)
  2. Toads may not be licked. (Los Angeles) Toad licking had apparently become an epidemic in Los Angeles and they had to put their foot down. Tickling a toad is still permitted.
  3. Roosters may not crow in the city limits. (Ontario) Yes indeed that would be too much to tolerate. Congratulations to the legislatures who debated this topic into the wee hours of the morning. Ironically it was a Rooster that crowed as the sun rose that ended the debate.
  4. Males may not dress as a female unless a special permit is obtained from the sheriff. (Walnut) The sheriff however may dress as a female with just your usual permit.
  5. It is illegal to shoot jackrabbits from the back of a streetcar. (San Diego)
  6. Persons classified as "ugly" may not walk down any street. (San Francisco) As beauty is in the eye of the beholder that would be a tough call.
  7. You may not fart in a public place after 6 P.M. on Thursdays. (Florida) Friday to Wednesday farting was mandatory. Those who did not comply with this law due to modesty or any other trivial reason had their farting privileges removed for a year.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

What has been discovered

It has been said that God and Science cannot co-exist. But science theories change all the time so the knowledge that lead up to a theory is only a piece of the truth not the entire truth. Science says the earth has been around for billions of years and life for millions. Fundamental scripture says God created the heavens and the earth just six thousand years ago. What if both theories are correct on life on earth. What if they was a big bang that ignited our existence, it does not  explain where that big bang came from or what caused it. God thinks in the most simpliest terms. The lowest common denominator. He has to if you believe there is a God he is listening to you and there is nothing more simple than a human, as complex as we like to believe we are.

Point Counter Point

You will never discover real truth without an honest debate.

Sciences Second Thoughts

A second clip of knowledge for thought.

How Knowledge Begins

The first thing in order to get to the absolute truth is to have as much debate on the known knowledge in a simple language so anyone can understand what is being debated and form their own opinion free of outside influences.

Catch the Wave

Friday, December 23, 2011

A Prelude to A Soldier of War

A Soldier of War
The mystery of God has never been told. His face has never been seen. You have been told that he lives in a heaven but no one has ever been there. When he is thought of, it is as one who is loving, terrifying, jealous, wrathful and one to be feared. He is all that, yet none of those things. Some of you believe that Jesus Christ is the Great God that started it all. Only Jesus has not only been seen, he lived amongst us. He also said that I am not the father but the son. It will be someday very soon now that Jesus Christ will be God and not because he inherited the position but for the great and heroic deeds that he himself did and you are clearly not aware of.

God is everything you ever hoped for but nothing you could ever imagine.

The "Soldier of War" will tell you the story with as few descriptive passages as possible. For your part of this truth is inside of all of you and I could not do your part justice. You will mostly just give the words spoken in real time as events happened.
You will also give a few insights into a great family and the true sight of their personality which is as diverse and complicated as it is beautiful.
The beginning of the Story of God begins Christmas Day.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Story of Life


The Story of Life

Life as you know it is about to end. Man has been on this planet for over five million years. They evolved according to who was in control till 49,000 years ago when they became homo-sapient. A series of lords ruled the surface of the planet and attempted to do many great things. Ultimately they all failed and succeeded. The first man had a brain larger than yours and he could do what you cannot. It was at this moment that the order was given to cease this planet from its original owners. That was only 6,000 years ago. The reasons will become increasingly clear. The reason it ends is even more clear. On this planet there were two types of inhabitants. The caretakers and the invaders. You have followed many pagan gods. A pagan god is a deity which specialized in one aspect of creation and cultivated a following who would in turn worship him feed him do whatever he needed done. But the main thing was, a pagan god was selected by men because of what he or it could do for them. Today there is much discussion amongst all religions on whose more right in their description of the wrath fullness of their god. Who can provide more and that is how most of the very learned of you have chosen who would be your god and not the way it really is. You have no rights to choose anything. Some believe that Jehovah is god and he will one day send a messiah and his wrath will be known and his people will be avenged. That is quite an odd belief since Jehovah’s people are known as the Jews and they executed the son of god. The only known being who when called Elias he came and they still do not believe. Then there are those who believe that Jesus is God. Even though Jesus said without any interpretation needed that I am not the father I am the son and none is good other than my father who art in heaven. Even with that statement a common belief is that Jesus is the father and even the denials of Jesus himself seem not to be heard by those who will not hear. Then there is the group which has many mighty lords but they chose one amongst them as their God, they then sent the angel Gabriel to deliver the message. When the elders of that church died off and their children fought for the power this lord left behind in the utterance of his name alone was enough to split this church in half with both sides saying that only their was right and began stating without equivocation that their scripture was from gods mouth to Mohamed ear even though they never met god, they met Arc Angel Gabriel. It is not true to say that these words which became the Qur’an are not true for they are true, but the entire truth lies in in quest for answering all churches. If you cannot answer all the questions of the many churches, you have none of the true answer. If a Muslim says the Hebrews are a curse or Christians say they are the true religion because they have the resurrected son, they all fall, because not telling all the truth and letting all life their proper place for god created all life and you tell barely one tenth of the truth. There is a difference between gods truth and your truth and your truth is based in sin and is a lie. These actions are very much pagan like. You are choosing your god when you have no right to do so. This is a warning and one you should heed for the father of God is on the planet and he is not pleased.

Holy Jewish and Christian scripture describes the death of Satan, Arc Angel Michael and one third of all angels in heaven when the Armageddon erupts. They describe what the angel’s orders were to be in regards to all human existence. You were to be decimated. Destroyed to the last cell with a remaining one hundred and forty-four thousand that would be allowed to live with Jesus and he would be their God. Out of all the people on the earth only one hundred and forty-four thousand would survive.

At no time does any scripture reconcile the facts as every learned person knows that the earth was here for billions of years and man was here for millions yet scripture anywhere can only find reference for a momentous occurrence up to 6000 years ago. And if you cannot put it all together you have none of the story.
Devils wait for either their death or for the return of God.

Islam believes that their was no original sin in eating the apple but the sin came when Satan refused to lay prostate in front of Adam.

The story of God is found in every region of the earth yet the only scriptures found were all dead languages. Sand script scrolls are still being translated and they differ slightly with what Jesus had said in the gospels. The book of the Apostle Thomas recites not hearing Jesus say that he would return within their generation for god is already here.
Most of the scripture that had come from dead languages was translated into Greek or Hebrew and now the many versions of English. Then there were interpretations of other translations to all the other common languages. Sometimes we even interpret what we have translated because there was something that didn’t sit right with the old translation and start a new holy order. That is what we call it but we could just as easily call it an unholy order. Because most of what we do is based in sin. Remember we love the sinner we are about to kill but we hate the sin we are going to do again tomorrow.
Because we are sinners. We are the unholy. We are what we say, we hated. We always become what we hate.
We have always become what we hated most. And as we know, history repeats itself.
Now that was not a condemnation but an explanation for why you are what you are. Some of you can help it, most of you cannot. But all of you will be here when we end this horror of a night. Now hang onto your hats and read this carefully and don’t miss a beat for this is the end as you know it.

This was the first known hail and reference to a being that would one day be called God by a civilization known as the Majesty. This is his journey and how he arrived at his destiny. He did not look for it but it found him.