A Soldier of War

A Soldier of War is available at Amazon.com. A Soldier of War is the first of five books on the origins of God. It will answer your questions of why you are here. Enjoy A Soldier of War.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Resident of the Oval Orifice

The residents of the oval orifice were traditionally and with

good reason built with plenty of cheques and balances and

recently were generally quite stupid men. The sitting

resident was easily swayed. He could be puffed up on rare occasion to even seem brighter than a dim bulb. But that is what the wonders of the Oval Orifice wanted. The voting which took years to count was always the same. 4-3.. It didn’t matter for whom, it was still the same guy that lived there. The resident of the Oval Orifice was big on balls. Especially if they were round. He liked to hold them, scruff them up, bounce them off his head, balance them on the tip of his nose, kick them but as the rules states he always put them back where they belong unless one was damaged by too much scuffing or some such in which case he would cover it up. Only to be uncovered by the next resident who would puff himself up. Sometimes he would call in others to puff him up. Then would call a session of his closest handlers who would give another ball to play with. If he protested. “But he dropped a ball? We should tell someone.” He would be set straight. “Mr. Resident. If you tell someone that your predecessor dropped a ball someone might notice that you’ve dropped a ball and how would that look? Now take the new ball and go play. We are really quite busy.”

I DON’T KNOW HOW ANYTHING GET’s done, never mind how we all have survived this long in WASHING KILOTON

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