A Soldier of War

A Soldier of War is available at Amazon.com. A Soldier of War is the first of five books on the origins of God. It will answer your questions of why you are here. Enjoy A Soldier of War.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In the Pursuit of Knowledge there is No One Way to Think

The Blog has been online coming up to two months. It has been about the pursuit of knowledge, the unknown, the unusual, the mammoth amount of religions who all believe in their God and their right to war for that God. We have found all night talk shows like Coast to Coast which explore myths and the unexplained and all things in between. We have explored the Mayan Calender and its mysteries, the Chinese New Year of the Dragon and a litany of subjects all related to each other. I have also tried to lighten the mood with some silly stories. After all you can't be serious all the time otherwise you will turn into Newt Gingrich and would that be a shame. That is of course a joke.

I don't care what your thoughts are as long as you consider that the other side has a reason to think as they do. I also hope you refrain from hate and will consider taking a look at A Soldier of War once it becomes public. It is a true story.

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